Friday, August 24, 2012

When an individual seeks to identify him/her-self only race, this creates an environment that stifles personal growth. A middle age man would seem foolish if he adhered to the same thought process today as he did during his twenties.

We all have suffered highs and lows throughout our lives and those experiences have served to redirect and reconstruct the thought process. It is an idle and sick mind that sits back and places all emphasis on race and ramifications of race. Life encompasses so much more than limit racial stereotypes.

What is missing so much in today’s society is unconditional LOVE. People seem to be so caught up into acquiring material possessions as a means to feel important. When faced with the possibility of losing these possessions they look to others with anger and hatred because of a fear of losing status. If people could only realize that anything you get in life is a direct blessing from on high. Then this economic down turn would create opportunities to find new and effective ways to practice a genuine LOVE for humanity.

God Bless America, God has blessed America and even in today's economy our cups runneth over. Yet we still focus on hatred, distrust, envy and wrath. Our system is sick and we argue over whether our citizens deserve Health Care. There are those that would rip this country apart just to prove that their sick ideas have merit. As a country we elected Barack Obama to be our President and he has moved forward with a swift pace in an effort help all Americans.

In this country there are Presidential elections held every four years. The civil mind would look to use that avenue to address disagreements with a chosen leader. This is so sad to say, but a small group of political naysayers have chosen to use open and direct defiance against this President. The question is, why? It reeks of blatant racism.

Let's not argue that question. Let's reach past our own individual circumstances and evolve the collective to a level where LOVE is the key to transform any situation. This current climate of hate will only foster more hate which will eventually lead to violence which we all know will bring about death and destruction.

For those who embrace and hold on to the past, hear me now! During the Civil War this country lost eight to twelve percent of the total population as direct result of that war. Today that would e more than twelve million people. Racism is insanity and it destroys from within.

Patrick F. Suttle

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